If you use the kitchen you must leave it clean for the next user. The Cooker must be cleaned and all crumbs removed. Failure to do so may result in a charge being levied to cover additional cleaning.
Category: Uncategorised
Hirers must ensure that all precautions are taken against risk of fire and damage to the premises.
Instructions for smoke/heat alarms/exits/equipment, and what to do in the event of a fire, can be
found in the Village Hall User Guide inside the lobby.
The Fire Service shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details shall immediately
be notified to the Village Hall management committee
If in doubt Dial 999 and get out of the Hall
Hire Payments
Please note that you must pay your hall invoice before using the hall. None payment will result in the future hire of the hall to be withdrawn. We are a Charity and need all income to support the Hall.
Hire Rates 2025
From April 1st hire rates will increase by £1 a session. Weekday sessions will be £28 Weekend sessions will be £38. This increase is needed to keep pace with the increasing energy charges.
The Village Hall now has Wi-Fi.
Password: ESVHSx23
Trustee or Friends of the Village Hall
Would you consider becoming a Trustee or would like to be a ‘Friend of the Village Hall’?
To continue to make our village hall a well used and maintained community asset and ensure that the Parish community continues to enjoy its benefits, it needs your support.
The Trustees, who volunteer their time, are seeking to co opt community members to assist in keeping the hall an asset to be proud of. The hall relies on hire charges and fund raising events to maintain the facility and Trustees are involved in fund raising, promotion, advertising and organising events.
If you have a particular interest, skill, knowledge or expertise to offer, to help take the hall forward or just want to find out a little bit more about being involved please contact secretary@esvh.org.uk
Key Pickup and Return
Please pick up keys from and return them to David Young, 8 Weald View, Staplecross TN32 5QW, Tel 01580 830000 or 07777655603 Thank you